Angel Tully Angel Tully

A Day In The Life Of Marketing: Account Manager & Team Leader

I initially thought I would go into science, as I had attended a science-focused high school, but during my work experience, I realised my true passion. People. I knew I needed a more front-facing job where I interact with others - I am definitely a people person. I chose marketing as the culmination of my three years of retail experience and my desire to help others, and because it left me with endless options for industries and business styles to work in, as every business needs marketing.

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Angel Tully Angel Tully

A Day In The Life Of Marketing: Managing Director

I was working in corporate as a Marketing Manager for many years, back when the first iPhone was released, and platforms such as Instagram did not exist yet. However, I recognised the growing influence of social media, the power of the internet, and the digital profile we leave behind, and realised there was a growing market for personal branding online. Together with a business partner, we decided to take a leap and run with this idea, escape the corporate world and start Social Star.

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Angel Tully Angel Tully

Must-Haves For The Modern Marketer: Student Interns

Young people have the home-ground advantage when it comes to social media and anything digital because they grew up with this technology. Even if the product you wish to market isn’t directed at a Gen Z crowd, they have a better understanding of the culture of different social media outlets, making them invaluable to a successful social media marketing campaign in 2022!

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Angel Tully Angel Tully

Must-Haves For The Modern Marketer: Websites & Programs

There are a lot of challenges for marketing professionals in this day and age… with some of your team choosing to work from home while others are down with COVID-19, it is important to make sure that you continue to work as a team. In fact, this applies to all industries, but today we will provide you with some more marketing-specific websites and programs you should utilise to ensure transparent sharing, communication and productivity.

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Angel Tully Angel Tully

Must-Haves For The Modern Marketer: Blogs

Welcome to our blog about blogs! In today’s piece, we will discuss the value that blog-writing can bring to any business operating in the digital age, and how you can get started with creating blogs for your own company. Blogs can take many forms, and whilst traditionally they may have existed on blog specific websites, many companies are choosing to simply add a page to their website featuring blog posts.

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Angel Tully Angel Tully

Must-Haves For The Modern Marketer: Podcasts

Testing, testing 1,2,3… is the mic working? Ok let’s get started. Podcasts. With brands creating a presence on nearly every social media under the sun, it isn’t enough to simply have a good looking Instagram feed. Marketers are going above and beyond to look for innovative ways to provide voice and personality to their brand, and many are turning to podcasts. So what’s the hype with podcasts anyway… Why are they beneficial and how can you make yours stand out?

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Angel Tully Angel Tully

Instagram Social Media Marketing

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platforms, with an extremely wide demographic of users, so it’s no surprise that successful marketers use its diverse audience and variety of features to their advantage. Although Instagram started out with a younger crowd on the app, since its launch in 2010, the platform is now populated by successful influencers and businesses across all ages, with a reach of over 1.39 billion active monthly users.

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Angel Tully Angel Tully

LinkedIn Social Media Marketing

LinkedIn. You’ve heard of it, you’ve probably got it downloaded on your phone too. But are you using it effectively to grow your brand awareness and participation? This platform has many useful features which allows you to reach a target audience, and tailor your content accordingly, whilst also providing useful statistics on engagement and profile traffic. Whether this be used for building your personal brand or your business, LinkedIn is essential to a successful marketing strategy.

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Chloe Smith Chloe Smith

Do Ethics Take The Wheel In Our Purchasing Decisions?

As a young adult living in a pandemic, I am always on my phone or laptop. Sometimes my time on these devices are spent using the media to learn about different social events and political issues. However, most of the time, I’m just online shopping. Considering I spend a lot of time doing both of these things, you’d think these two activities would intersect to influence my purchasing power…

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Lily Schultz Lily Schultz

Not All Influencers Wear Capes

Being a 20 year old female who primarily uses social media for connecting with friends and keeping up to date with the latest internet trends, I for sure have witnessed an insane growth in influencer marketing in the last 5 years.

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Lily Schultz Lily Schultz

How Wearable Technology Keeps Our Children Safe

I’m sure majority of people have visited a popular restaurant and witnessed other families dining, maybe celebrating a birthday or enjoying their weekend. No matter the occasion I’m almost positive that you’ve also seen a child under the age of 10 glued to an iPad – completely cut off from any family discussion while also causing a scene if told to turn it off.

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Lily Schultz Lily Schultz

Why Are Traditional Social Media Outlets Copying Snapchat?

For people that have been social media users since 2013, you may remember a time where Snapchat was the lone platform that could be used to post ‘stories’. Stories are 24-hour long posts that are uploaded by users to show snippets of day-to-day life. In 2016, three years later – popular social media app Instagram, launched their own ‘stories’ feature followed by Facebook in 2017, further followed by YouTube in 2018. I remember hearing about this ‘domino’ effect and wondering why basically every other platform I used now had stories – in this blog I will uncover the psychology behind it.

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